
Showing posts from November, 2011

InfoPath 2010 Deployment - from Development to Production - Editing Manifest.xsf file

One major issue we encountered in InfoPath 2010 forms during deployment is that the Data Connection's Connection Source cannot be changed easily... we successfully changed the UDCX files and everything but this URL remains unchanged ! See the image below Solution To resolve this issue we need to actually change the manifest.xsf file. Thanks to this link which provides us with the best solution Change the extension of infopath form from XSN to CAB. Unzip/Extract the files to any location you like Find manifest.xsf in the directory and open it in Notepad (or some other text editor). Find and replace all instances of existing URL with the new one. Save the modified manifest.xsf. Right-click the modified manifest.xsf, select DESIGN , and finally use File | Save As… to save the form template as a XSN file. (This is the only way to regroup the files back to XSN FORMAT). OPENING FILE in DE

SharePoint 2010 Deployment - Your backup is from a different version of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation and cannot be restored to a server running the current version

A Nightmare ! ... we constantly get this error when Restoring our Site from Development to Production Environment. We did run the windows update, PSConfig and everything. Finally after searching a lot we identified that the versions of both these Farms are Different. See the attached image to see the difference in versions. To check SharePoint Current Version go to Control Pannel > Program and Features .... and See SharePoint Server 2010 there and check its version next to it. click on the image to enlarge it We finally figured out that the Source SharePoint 2010 Server had 14.0.4763.1000 And Target SharePoint 2010 Server had 14.0.6029.1000 This means that Target should be at the same version. The higher version is creating the problem to Restore... however Microsoft must have provided backward compatibility ! Complete Error Details Restore-SPSite : Your backup is from a different version of Microsoft SharePoint t Foundation and cannot be restored to a server runnin

Blogger - Image display changed - New Improvements to Image Display in LightBox

Dear All, I really hate the new feature of blogger to display images in a lightbox ! ... becuase I use to upload images in full sizes and wants my visitors to see full size and high quality pictures. However, the new feature allows the users to see images in a lightbox as follows To resolve this issue please check this link The only thing you need to do is to go in Settings › Posts and comments and Change Showcase images with Lightbox to NO

InfoPath 2010 - Date Picker problem when SetVal from CodeBehind

Recently we came across a problem in InfoPath 2010 DateTime Control. When we assign a value in code-behind, the text box is marked red and asking for a valid date. However the date was valid and when we type the same date, it accept the same date. The assignment was as follows in code behind which produces the error MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode( "/my:myFields/my:grpFeeDetails/my:dateDPO" , NamespaceManager).SetValue(l_oDateTimeDateDPO.ToShortDateString()); Identified Problem Basically the issue is with the format of the date. When we use ToShortDateString, then the format is not compatible with the InfoPath 2010 Date Format. Resolution To resolve this issue we used the following code MainDataSource.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode( "/my:myFields/my:txtDOB" , NamespaceManager).SetValue(l_oDateTimeDOB.ToString( "yyyy-MM-dd" )); The Important Point is this DateTime Format l_oDateTimeDOB.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")

InfoPath 2010 and SharePoint 2010 Picture- Schema validation found non-data type errors

Source We have a task to assign a picture (SetValue) in InfoPath through code behind in Code Editor. When we set value to Base64 data, we get the following error schema validation found non-data type The simplest solution has been identified from the following blog The problem If you try to programaticaly set/remove values of fields in InfoPath, you might have come across the following error message: "Schema validation found non-data type errors" Values that are non-string (DateTime, Time, Date, Boolean, Whole Number, Decimal) cannot be blank (Empty String). If a value is set to the emptry string you will get the error above, because